The researchers found, however, that the bacteria could not infect
another organism when a protein on their surface known as PilY1 was
disabled. This suggests a possible treatment that, instead of attempting
to kill the pathogen, targets the bacteria's own mechanisms for
Corresponding author Zemer Gitai, a Princeton associate professor of
molecular biology, explained that the majority of bacteria, viruses and
other disease-causing agents depend on "taste," as in they respond to
chemical signals unique to the hosts with which they typically
co-evolved. Pseudomonas, however, through their sense of touch,
are able to thrive on humans, plants, animals, numerous human-made
surfaces, and in water and soil. They can cause potentially fatal organ
infections in humans, and are the culprit in many hospital-acquired
illnesses such as sepsis. The bacteria are largely unfazed by
"Pseudomonas' ability to infect anything was known before.
What was not known was how it's able to detect so many types of hosts,"
Gitai said. "That's the key piece of this research -- by using this
sense of touch, as opposed to taste, Pseudomonas can equally identify any kind of suitable host and initiate infection in an attempt to kill it."
The researchers found that only two conditions must be satisfied for Pseudomonas
to launch an infection: Surface attachment and "quorum sensing," a
common bacterial mechanism wherein the organisms can detect that a large
concentration of their kind is present. The researchers focused on the
surface-attachment cue because it truly sets Pseudomonas apart,
said Gitai, who worked with first author Albert Siryaporn, a
postdoctoral researcher in Gitai's group; George O'Toole, a professor of
microbiology and immunology at Dartmouth; and Sherry Kuchma, a senior
scientist in O'Toole's laboratory.
To demonstrate the bacteria's wide-ranging lethality, Siryaporn
infected ivy cells with the bacteria then introduced amoebas to the same
sample; Pseudomonas immediately detected and quickly
overwhelmed the single-celled animals. "The bacteria don't know what
kind of host it's sitting on," Siryaporn said. "All they know is that
they're on something, so they're on the offensive. It doesn't draw a
distinction between one host or another."
When Siryaporn deleted the protein PilY1 from the bacteria's surface,
however, the bacteria lost their ability to infect and thus kill the
test host, an amoeba. "We believe that this protein is the sensor of
surfaces," Siryaporn said. "When we deleted the protein, the bacteria
were still on a surface, but they didn't know they were on a surface, so
they never initiated virulence."
Because PilY1 is on a Pseudomonas bacterium's surface and
required for virulence, it presents a comprehensive and easily
accessible target for developing drugs to treat Pseudomonas infection, Gitai said. Many drugs are developed to target components in a pathogen's more protected interior, he said.
Kerwyn Huang, a Stanford University assistant professor of
bioengineering, said that the research is an important demonstration of
an emerging approach to treating pathogens -- by disabling rather than
killing them.
"This work indicates that the PilY1 sensor is a sort of lynchpin for
the entire virulence response, opening the door to therapeutic design
that specifically disrupts the mechanical cues for activating
virulence," said Huang, who is familiar with the research but had no
role in it.
"This is a key example of what I think will become the paradigm in
antivirals and antimicrobials in the future -- that trying to kill the
microbes is not necessarily the best strategy for dealing with an
infection," Huang said. "[The researchers'] discovery of the molecular
factor that detects the mechanical cues is critical for designing such
Targeting proteins such as PilY1 offers an avenue for combating the
growing problem of antibiotic resistance among bacteria, Gitai said.
Disabling the protein in Pseudomonas did not hinder the bacteria's ability to multiply, only to infect.
Antibiotic resistance results when a drug kills all of its target
organisms, but leaves behind bacteria that developed a resistance to the
drug. These mutants, previously in the minority, multiply at an
astounding rate -- doubling their numbers roughly every 30 minutes --
and become the dominant strain of pathogen, Gitai said. If bacteria had
their ability to infect disabled, but were not killed, the mutant
organisms would be unlikely to take over, he said.
"I'm very optimistic that we can use drugs that target PilY1 to
inhibit the whole virulence process instead of killing off bacteria
piecemeal," Gitai said. "This could be a whole new strategy. Really what
people should be doing is screening drugs that inhibit virulence but
preserve growth. This protein presents a possible route by which to do
PilY1 also is found in other bacteria with a range of hosts, Gitai said, including Neisseria gonorrhoeae or the large bacteria genus Burkholderia, which, respectively, cause gonorrhea in humans and are, along with Pseudomonas,
a leading cause of lung infection in people with cystic fibrosis. It is
possible that PilY1 has a similar role in detecting surfaces and
initiating infection for these other bacteria, and thus could be a
treatment target.
Frederick Ausubel, a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School,
said that the research could help explain how opportunistic pathogens
are able to infect multiple types of hosts. Recent research has revealed
a lot about how bacteria initiate an infection, particularly via quorum
sensing and chemical signals, but the question about how that's done
across a spectrum of unrelated hosts has remained unanswered, said
Ausubel, who is familiar with the research but had no role in it.
"A broad host-range pathogen such as Pseudomonas cannot rely solely on chemical cues to alert it to the presence of a suitable host," Ausubel said.
"It makes sense that Pseudomonas would use surface
attachment as one of the major inputs to activating virulence,
especially if attachment to surfaces in general rather than to a
particular surface is the signal," he said. "There is probably an
advantage to activating virulence only when attached to a host cell, and
it is certainly possible that other broad host-range opportunistic
pathogens utilize a similar strategy."
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