After initial disappointment that HIV vaccine candidates were unable
to elicit neutralizing antibodies, researchers found that some
HIV-infected individuals did produce such antibodies. The current
challenge is therefore to find safe and effective vaccine formulations
(as opposed to HIV infection) that trigger the development of
neutralizing antibodies that can recognize and prevent infection with
all or most circulating HIV subtypes.
Many known neutralizing antibodies are directed against a specific
part of the virus that binds to the CD4 receptor on the human target
cells, and structural biology studies indicated that the site is a
narrow groove. Antibodies in most mammals are relatively large proteins
made up of two copies of two different individual parts (or chains), and
bulkiness might be one reason why neutralizing antibodies are rare.
Llamas are a notable exception: besides the common four-chain antibodies
they also produce smaller ones made up of only two of the four chains.
Robin Weiss, an HIV expert, and Theo Verrips, a llama antibody expert,
therefore started working with this unconventional research animal.
Laura McCoy (working with Weiss at University College London, UK) led
an international group of researchers to test immunization protocols
and the resulting immune response in llamas. Having previously
identified one particular HIV neutralizing llama antibody, for this
study the researchers immunized two additional llamas and identified a
total of three new neutralizing antibodies. The four HIV neutralizing
llama antibodies target different parts of the CD4-binding site of the
virus, and the researchers could show that when used in combination,
rather than interfering with each other, they are more potent and can
neutralize all of the 60 different HIV strains tested.
To understand how the llama immunization--which included two sets of
four sequential vaccine injections per animal--worked, the researchers
sequenced many copies of antibody-coding genes from blood cells
collected after the first set of immunizations and after a further four
rounds of vaccination. They also looked at the "naïve" antibody
repertoire from seven llamas that had not been vaccinated. The results
suggest that the neutralizing antibodies were not part of the
pre-immunization repertoire, nor were they detectable after the first
vaccination round. Rather, they were generated as immune cells
repeatedly encountered the vaccine and responded by maturing specific
antibodies that can recognize it.
While it is encouraging that broadly neutralizing antibodies were
found in all of the immunized llamas, they are present only at low
concentrations in the blood, and so fail to meet the goal for a
protective HIV vaccine. Nonetheless, the researchers conclude that the
llama model has allowed them to examine the generation of four broadly
neutralizing antibodies induced by vaccination, which has not been
possible in any other species. Their results, they say, "show that
immunization can induce potent
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