A new type of electrical generator uses bacterial spores to harness
the untapped power of evaporating water, according to research conducted
at the Wyss Institute of Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard
University. Its developers foresee electrical generators driven by
changes in humidity from sun-warmed ponds and harbors. The prototype
generators work by harnessing the movement of a sheet of rubber coated
on one side with spores. The sheet bends when it dries out, much as a
pine cone opens as it dries or a freshly fallen leaf curls, and then
straightens when humidity rises. Such bending back and forth means that
spore-coated sheets or tiny planks can act as actuators that drive
movement, and that movement can be harvested to generate electricity.

"If this technology is developed fully, it has a very promising
endgame," said Ozgur Sahin, Ph.D., who led the study, first at Harvard's
Rowland Institute, later at the Wyss Institute, and most recently at
Columbia University, where he's now an associate professor of biological
sciences and physics. Sahin collaborated with Wyss Institute Core
Faculty member L. Mahadevan, Ph.D., who is also the Lola England de
Valpine professor of applied mathematics, organismic and evolutionary
biology, and physics at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
at Harvard University, and Adam Driks,Ph.D., a professor of microbiology
and immunology at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine.
The researchers reported their work yesterday in Nature Nanotechnology.
Water evaporation is the largest power source in nature, Sahin said.
"Sunlight hits the ocean, heats it up, and energy has to leave the ocean
through evaporation," he explained. "If you think about all the ice on
top of Mt. Everest -- who took this huge amount of material up there?
There's energy in evaporation, but it's so subtle we don't see it."
But until now no one has tapped that energy to generate electricity.
As Sahin pursued the idea of a new humidity-driven generator, he
realized that Mahadevan had been investigating similar problems from a
physical perspective. Specifically, he had characterized how moisture
deforms materials, including biological materials such as pinecones,
leaves and flowers, as well as human-made materials such as a sheet of
tissue paper lying in a dish of water.
Sahin collaborated with Mahadevan and Driks on one of those studies. A soil bacterium called Bacillus subtilis
wrinkles as it dries out like a grape becoming a raisin, forming a
tough, dormant spore. The results, which they reported in 2012 in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface, explained why.
Unlike raisins, which cannot re-form into grapes, spores can take on
water and almost immediately restore themselves to their original shape.
Sahin realized that since they shrink reversibly, they had to be
storing energy. In fact, spores would be particularly good at storing
energy because they are rigid, yet still expand and contract a great
deal, the researchers predicted.
"Since changing moisture levels deform these spores, it followed that
devices containing these materials should be able to move in response
to changing humidity levels," Mahadevan said. "Now Ozgur has shown very
nicely how this could be used practically."
When Sahin first set out to measure the energy of spores, he was taken by surprise.
He put a solution thick with spores on a tiny, flexible silicon
plank, expecting to measure the humidity-driven force in a customized
atomic force microscope. But before he could insert the plank, he saw it
curving and straightening with his naked eye. His inhaling and exhaling
had changed the humidity subtly, and the spores had responded.
"I realized then that this was extremely powerful," Sahin said.
In fact, simply increasing the humidity from that of a dry, sunny day
to a humid, misty one enabled the flexible, spore-coated plank to
generate 1000 times as much force as human muscle, and at least 10 times
as much as other materials engineers currently use to build actuators,
Sahin discovered. In fact, moistening a pound of dry spores would
generate enough force to lift a car one meter off the ground.
To build such an actuator, Sahin tested how well spore-coated
materials such as silicon, rubber, plastic, and adhesive tape stored
energy, settling on rubber as the most promising material.
Then he built a simple humidity-driven generator out of Legos™, a
miniature fan, a magnet and a spore-coated cantilever. As the cantilever
flips back and forth in response to moisture, it drives a rotating
magnet that produces electricity.
Sahin's prototype captures just a small percentage of the energy
released by evaporation, but it could be improved by genetically
engineering the spores to be stiffer and more elastic. Indeed, in early
experiments, spores of a mutant strain provided by Driks stored twice as
much energy as normal strains.
"Solar and wind energy fluctuate dramatically when the sun doesn't
shine or the wind doesn't blow, and we have no good way of storing
enough of it to supply the grid for long," said Wyss Institute Founding
Director Don Ingber, M.D., Ph.D. "If changes in humidity could be
harnessed to generate electricity night and day using a scaled up
version of this new generator, it could provide the world with a
desperately needed new source of renewable energy."
The work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, the Rowland
Junior Fellows Program, and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired
Engineering at Harvard University. In addition to Sahin, Driks and
Mahadevan, the authors included Xi Chen, a postdoctoral research
associate at Columbia University.